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Our curriculum follows developmentally appropriate practices (i.e. child-centered and hands-on learning) evolving from credible research into child development. It offers a varied curriculum that includes science, nature, cooking, music, dance, health, prayer, pre-reading, math readiness, creativity, and small and large muscle activities.  


The curriculum fosters social, spiritual, emotional, physical, cognitive development and group skills. It allows children to make choices, encourages independence and kindergarten readiness and visibly integrates Gospel teachings throughout the class day. The curriculum also fosters ongoing parent involvement and community building during specific times throughout the school year. 


These family events include:

Art Show, Children’s Carnival, Christmas Pageant, Donuts with Dad, Family Fun Night, Graduation Day, Grandparents Day, Moving up Day, Muffins with Mom, Pot Luck Supper, St. Jude’s Trike-A-Thon, and Trunk or Treat.


Our curriculum is:

  • Consistent with prevailing professional opinion and research on how children learn.

  • Designed to achieve long-range goals for children in language, literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development and creative arts.

  • Provides activities that encourage knowledge in a developmentally appropriate manner.  Activities are presented in a fun, interactive way that makes learning enjoyable for young children.

  • Presents themes based on areas of general interest to pre-school children, including familiar topics and those that explain the child’s world.

  • Its goals are realistic, attainable, and appropriate for the preschool classroom.  Adjustments will be made as needed to be sure the activities best meet the needs of each child.

  • Provides a wealth of materials for children to generate interest, encourage interaction, aid in knowledge construction, meet individual needs, and accommodate various learning styles. 

  • Respects and supports individual, cultural, and linguistic diversity, and encourages parents to become partners in their child’s education.

  • Builds upon a flexible scope and sequence.  Skills and concepts are developed sequentially, with each new skill based on the foundation of previous learning.

  • Based on themes that spark interest and curiosity in young children.

  • Engages children actively in the learning process, with hands-on activities and manipulative materials.

  • Offers a balance between child initiated and teacher-facilitated learning opportunities.

  • Puts priority on developing a preschooler’s social/emotional skills and building character.

  • Supports children’s physiological needs for activity, sensory stimulation, fresh air, rest, nourishment and elimination. 

  • Encourages children to learn about their world by engaging them in projects that are of interest to them.  They, then, can acquire skills from their own explorations of content.  These experiences promote positive feelings of success, competence, and most of all a love for learning.



Three Year Old Program​

  • 5 Mornings:

    • M thru F 8:45 am to 11:30 am

  • 5 Mornings + 3 Afternoons

    • M thru F 8:45 am to 11:30 am

    • T, W, Th 8:45 am to 2:30 pm

  • 5 Full day program:

  • M thru F 8.45 am to 2:30 pm​


Four Year Old Program

  • 5 Mornings:

    • M thru F 8:45 am to 11:30 am

  • 5 Mornings + 3 Afternoons

    • M thru F 8:45 am to 11:30 am

    • T, W, Th 8:45 am to 2:30 pm

  • 5 Full day program:

    • M thru F 8.45 am to 2:30 pm​


Please be advised that once a program option is selected, adjustments cannot be made unless we have an available opening.  


Students will be randomly placed at the sole discretion of the Preschool Director.


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